Diamond Ring

What’s Special About a Diamond Ring with a Hidden Halo?

The hidden halo engagement ring is also known as the diamond ring with the base of the centre stone and the pave diamond band or individual diamond. Another name for this ring is the under-halo ring. Halo rings are becoming more popular every day, but half of them don’t know what a hidden halo ring is and its specialties.  

This is not like the traditional halo which surrounds the centre stone while the hidden halo is discrete and offers glow and lustre. Moreover this halo ring is made with lab diamonds and it can be customized with solitaire when viewed straight but when you view in profile, you can see the skilfully set diamonds. Read further to know about diamond rings made with hidden halo diamonds. 

The History of the Hidden Halo

The hidden halo ring is contemporary and was introduced at the start of the millennium, and still, it is a famous modern design for brides-to-be who want to enhance their versatility. The halo ring is the innovative product of the classic halo that was introduced in the 18th century and became famous in the Victorian era. Let’s explore the major types of hidden halo diamonds that can be customized according to your requirements. Also, check out Rare Carat’s exciting new collection of diamond rings made with a hidden halo.

What are the Types of Hidden Halo Engagement Rings?

The skills and expertise of the master and professional who creates this ring can determine what you can achieve from this ring. Some halo ring designs are:

  • One to two rows of pave diamonds with the centre stone at the crown.
  • On the horizontal and vertical bands, there is a central point to hold the centre stone.

Moreover pave diamonds details may increase along with the ring shank. Whether you want to buy the simple engagement ring or the halo ring, it is based on your preferences. If you don’t have enough budget but want the diamond ring then you should consider a halo ring. This ring is like the bigger diamond and it offers brilliance and sparkle which make unique and contemporary styles. 

Why Are Hidden Halo Diamond Engagement Rings So Popular?

The Halo engagement ring is the most famous ring design. Though it is sometimes called tacky, old and overdone, we can’t deny the fame of this ring. This ring commonly comes with the circle of diamonds with the large stone in the centre that raises the main ring body. 

They Look Stunning With Any Diamond Shape 

The hidden halo diamond may work with any diamond form because it doesn’t have a diamond border which means it is not completely symmetrical. You may either have the odd diamond or the pear shape to get the hidden halo ring. 

You Can Combine Different Types of Metals 

Combining different metals to create the engagement ring is a trickier task. But in the case of the halo, it is the different metal in the ring’s main body. You may add different colours to your ring for unique contrast, and you may also add a new metal to personalise your ring and keep it standing. 

Can Be Made With Diamond with Larger Diameter 

The prominent difference between the regular halo and the hidden halo is the appearance of the main diamond. Regular halo rings have a diamond border that surrounds the stone, but the hidden halo doesn’t have a border and surrounds the low edges of the stone. This is why a hidden halo is raised on the ring, which makes it larger. So, it is considered the best choice if you want to show off your diamond to look interesting. 


Hidden halo engagement rings are the most eye-catching in the diamond industry. So, couples prefer buying such designs due to their brilliance and allure. Also, the contemporary designs of such rings make them super famous. If you want a unique and special ring, you can choose the style of this ring. Also, people with a limited budget can consider a halo ring because it is much more affordable. If you want to know more about hidden halo diamond rings, then follow the expert guide. Also, watch the Rare Carat diamond ring formation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-m44FFBDiI. It also reveals the hidden secrets behind the creation of gemstones in labs! 

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