
Top 11 Playlist Curators Accepting Music Submissions

As an independent musician, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to get your music heard in today’s crowded digital landscape. You pour your heart and soul into creating tracks, but then comes the daunting task of actually getting people to listen. That’s where playlist curators come in – these musical gatekeepers can be the key to unlocking a whole new audience for your sound.

I’ve spent countless hours navigating the world of playlist submissions, experiencing both the thrill of acceptance and the sting of rejection. Through this journey, I’ve discovered that not all playlist curators are created equal. Some offer a direct line to engaged listeners, while others might leave you feeling like you’re shouting into the void.

That’s why I’ve put together this list of the 11 best playlist curators to submit your music to. Whether you’re a bedroom producer or a seasoned artist, these platforms can help you cut through the noise and connect with fans who are hungry for fresh tunes.

1. Soundplate

Soundplate is a popular platform for both artists and playlist curators. It offers a streamlined process for music submissions, helping artists get their tracks featured on various Spotify playlists.

To submit music on Soundplate, artists need to find relevant playlists on the platform. Each playlist has a submission link where artists can submit their tracks. The submission process requires artists to follow the playlist and the curator, which helps curators grow their follower base. Soundplate also offers “Unlock Codes” for pro users, allowing them to submit to more playlists daily. The platform is free to use, but it limits the number of submissions to prevent spam and ensure high approval rates.

2. Playlist Curator

Playlist Curator is one of the most prominent online playlist curators, offering a diverse range of carefully curated playlists across various themes and moods. Their playlists are available on major streaming platforms including Spotify, YouTube Music, and SoundCloud, making them easily accessible to a wide audience. Playlist Curator aims to provide high-quality, theme-based playlists that cater to different occasions and musical preferences.

Artists interested in submitting their music to Playlist Curator can do so through a dedicated submission form on their website. The process begins with the artist selecting which playlist they want to apply for, as Playlist Curator offers a variety of themed playlists such as “Songs About True Love,” “Songs About Soulmates,” and “Songs About Trust And Honesty”.

Once the submission is made, Playlist Curator’s team carefully listens to each track and evaluates it based on strict criteria. These criteria ensure that the submitted songs align with the theme of the chosen playlist and meet the high-quality standards that their listeners expect. The curators consider factors such as the song’s relevance to the playlist theme, overall quality, and potential appeal to their audience.

3. Tunemunk

Tunemunk is a free platform that connects artists with playlist curators. It focuses on helping artists gain exposure while allowing curators to grow their Spotify playlist followers.

Artists can submit their music by visiting the Tunemunk portal and selecting playlists that fit their genre. Curators need to submit their playlists to the Tunemunk system, and artists must follow these playlists before submitting their tracks. This “follow to submit” functionality ensures that curators gain followers while artists get a chance to be featured. Tunemunk also encourages curators to promote their playlists on social media to attract more submissions and followers.

4. SubmitHub

SubmitHub is a well-known platform that connects musicians with music bloggers, playlist curators, and influencers. It offers a credit-based system for music submissions.

Artists can submit their music to multiple curators and bloggers at once using SubmitHub. The platform allows curators to create profiles indicating their preferred genres and submission requirements. Artists can purchase premium credits to bypass the standard queue and increase their chances of being reviewed. Curators provide feedback on submissions, which can help artists improve their music. SubmitHub also offers a messaging system for direct communication between artists and curators.

5. SoundCampaign

SoundCampaign is a music promotion service that helps independent artists increase their streams and expand their fan base by getting their music on Spotify playlists.

Artists create a SoundCampaign account and submit their music for review. The platform offers two types of campaigns: playlist pitching and feedback. SoundCampaign’s automated matching system pitches tracks to curators based on genre, budget, and language settings. Curators provide feedback, and artists can track the performance of their campaigns through analytics. This service helps artists get their music on playlists curated by both established and up-and-coming curators, leading to increased streams and followers.

6. Daily Playlists

Daily Playlists is a music promotion and marketing platform that allows artists to submit their music to independent curators. It also provides tools for curators to grow their playlists and interact with other curators.

Artists can submit their music by connecting their Spotify account to Daily Playlists. The platform offers both free and premium submission options. Free users can submit to standard curators, while premium users can submit to premium curators and receive guaranteed feedback. Daily Playlists also offers a community section where users can earn credits by giving feedback to other community members. The platform’s automated submission system helps artists save time and focus on creating music while promoting their tracks to a wider audience.

7. Playlist Push

Playlist Push is a premium service that connects independent artists with Spotify playlist curators. It offers an automated platform for submitting music to a large network of playlist curators.

Artists can submit their tracks through Playlist Push’s intuitive interface. The platform uses data from Spotify’s API to match songs with relevant curators based on genre and similar artists. Curators are paid to review tracks, not for placements, which aligns with Spotify’s terms of service. Artists receive feedback from curators, and if a curator likes the track, they may add it to their playlist. Playlist Push sends email notifications for successful placements. The service is more expensive than some alternatives but offers a streamlined process for reaching multiple curators at once.

8. Rizing Playlists

Rizing Playlists is a Denmark-based curator responsible for a range of Spotify playlists covering various contemporary music styles. They focus on discovering promising up-and-coming artists.

Rizing Playlists maintains 29 playlists across different genres, including Pop, Indie, Rave, Rap, and Classical, with over 177,000 followers combined. Artists can submit their music for consideration via an online submission form on the Rizing Playlists website. The curator regularly updates their playlists, providing opportunities for independent artists to expand their listenership. Rizing Playlists’ dedication to emerging talent makes them an attractive option for new and independent artists looking to grow their Spotify presence.

9. SongRocket

SongRocket is an AI-powered playlist promotion platform launched in April 2021. It aims to simplify the process of pitching music to carefully selected curators.

Artists can start a pitch on SongRocket with a budget as low as $6. The process involves uploading track information and selecting from an extensive list of musical genres. SongRocket’s network includes over 170 curators with a combined follower count of over 11 million listeners. The platform was created by a musician to address the challenges of pitching to independent curators. SongRocket focuses on quality by carefully vetting playlists and curators, avoiding certain types like Netflix or TV-related show playlists. The service aims to provide a more artist-friendly approach to playlist pitching.

10. iMusician

iMusician is a digital music distributor that offers a comprehensive suite of services for independent artists and labels. Their goal is to provide fair access to the music industry for all artists.

Artists can distribute their music to over 200 platforms globally, including major streaming services and genre-specific shops, through iMusician. The platform operates on a one-time fee model, allowing artists to keep their music on streaming platforms indefinitely without annual fees. iMusician offers unlimited distribution for multiple artists on one account, catering to collaborations and compilations. They distribute all genres, including electronic and classical music, and provide access to specialized electronic music shops. Additional services include YouTube monetization, music analytics tools, and an Artist Hub for release optimization. iMusician also partners with other services for physical media production and promotion.

11. Indiemono

Indiemono is a platform focused on indie music discovery and Spotify playlist curation. They aim to be an alternative to the mainstream music industry.

Indiemono allows artists to submit their music for consideration in their curated Spotify playlists. The platform features various playlists catering to different indie and alternative genres. Artists can navigate to the submission section of their website to send their tracks. Indiemono’s curators review submissions and select tracks that fit their playlists’ aesthetic and style. The platform also includes a blog section where they feature interviews and articles about indie artists, providing additional exposure opportunities. Indiemono’s focus on the indie scene makes it an attractive option for independent artists looking to reach a dedicated audience of alternative music fans.

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