What Should You Know Before Buying Diamonds from Rare Carat?

There are several important things that any buyer needs to bear in mind especially when intending to buy a diamond or buy a diamond through Rare Carat. With the traditional mined diamonds, and the rising category of the lab-grown ones, considering these features and characteristics can greatly impact the buyer. For instance, 0.75 carat lab diamonds have the quality of any natural diamond and its weight at an affordable price which makes it to be preferred by most people. Below, we will also outline all the important information you need to know before purchasing diamonds from Rare Carat.

Understanding Diamonds and Lab Diamonds

The important first decision that has to be taken during the purchase of a diamond is thus the distinction between natural and synthetic diamonds. Despite being indistinguishable in terms of the physical, chemical, and optical properties, there exists a distinctive difference in the nature of formation of the two types of diamonds. While natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth over millions of years, and are formed using external application of pressure and heat, lab grown diamonds are synthesized in controlled processes using advanced techniques.

 Synthetic diamonds, like a lab grown 0.75 carat diamond do not have the same issues that come with the real ones and they can be priced significantly lower than the natural diamonds of equal size. A 0.75 carat lab diamond, for instance, is opaque, weighs as much as a normal carat weight diamond, has brilliance and scintillation, and is quite affordable, which has made it a common choice for engagement and wedding rings as well as other designer jewelry.

Evaluating Diamond Quality: The Four Cs

Whether you’re considering a mined diamond or a lab-grown one, you need to evaluate its quality based on the Four Cs: these four Cs of the diamond that includes Carat, Cut, Color, and Clarity.

1.       Carat: This refers to the issue of the weight of the diamond. A 0.75 carat diamond is more ideal for ladies with a desire of having a large ring without going over the top with the size of the diamond. This is especially important to consider the case for carat weight, which additionally influences the price, as the carat weight in general, correlates to the price level.

2.       Cut: The shape and the cutting of a diamond decides the sparkle of the diamond. In natural or cubic zirconia diamonds, light is reflected back in a beautiful manner to the human eye, making its appearance beautiful.

3.       Color: Diamond colour grading starts from D, which is clear, going up to Z, which has a slight yellow or brown tint. Therefore, the fewer the colors which the diamond contains, the more it will cost because they are rare in the market. However, some buyers like their diamonds to have a hint of color, depending on the nature of the setting that they want to use for the diamond.

4.       Clarity: Clarity concerns such internal or external flaws known as inclusion and flaw. It is in this variation that higher grade diamonds that have fewer inclusions are highly valued and cost more in the market. Still, there are significant features which are invisible to the naked eye because the inclusions are minute.

Ethical Considerations and Certification

Another clear advantage of buying from Rare Carat is that one gets to be certain that the diamonds have been sourced in an ethical manner. Besides, a range of products such as the 0.75 carat lab diamonds as an example come from those manufacturers who like to address the environmental concerns that are linked with mining. They are good for those that want a guilt free diamond without having to make a compromise on the quality of the diamond of their choice.

 However, their use should be accompanied by the right certification when one wants to purchase diamonds. Although the authenticity of the certificate cannot be doubted today, a diamond purchased in a reputable store is accompanied by a certificate from a popular laboratory, for example, the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) or the International Gemological Institute (IGI).

Pricing and Market Trends

The pricing of diamonds, especially lab diamonds, has seemed to be much more realistic in the recent past. For instance, in the Rare Carat platform, you can compare different prices from the retailers for you to select the best price. A lab-grown 0.75 carat diamond, for example, will be considerably cheaper than a mined diamond even though the former is almost as valuable as the latter.

 Additionally, the market for cultured diamonds is anticipated to increase in the future since more people are turning into cultured diamonds that are environmentally friendly and cheaper. Such a trend makes lab diamonds a good investment in the long run in terms of its monetary value as well as moral values.


 One of the most important prerequisites of using the services of a seller like Rare Carat is research. For a buyer to make a good decision they have to distinguish between natural and artificial diamonds, understand the four cs, and consider ethical issues. Whether you are looking for a 0.75 carats lab created diamond or a bigger natural diamond, you will be assured of a quality and certified diamond that will give your investment the value and guarantee that you need.

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